Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am alive...

I am alive - but barely! well ok that is an overstatement but I have been awfully sick this week and I wish it was morning sickness or something like that but its not. No baby here yet and that just breaks my heart - I have caught this nasty cold/flu bug and its hanging on for dear life so that is why I haven't been blogging much lately not to mention there is alot going on in my head and its hard to get it out on here. I promise to write more when Im feeling better and when I can get things to make sense on here the way I want you to hear them. On a good note the weather is beautiful here today - Thank you Jesus you knew that is what I needed today. Spring may just be here....


  1. How funny that the weather is nice there - we have a huge storm blowing in tonight - they say maybe three feet of snow! Looking forward to hearing all of that stuff that's going on in your head! ;o)

  2. Hope you get to feeling better, girl :)
