Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a weekend ....

I, yet again, am lacking in the blogging department and Im sorry about that. Everyday I am like "ok today I must update my blog" and that day comes and goes and I never get a minute to do so. So today I made myself sit down and take a few minutes to update. Let me tell you though I make sure I read all your blogs so I dont miss in any of the excitement and action going on in your lives - but its easy to read it from anywhere on my blackberry - just harder to update from there.

This past weekend my cousin and her husband and baby came up to my parents cottage with me and my husband. What a fun weekend we had!! The weather was amazing on Friday and Saturday - and even though it rained on Sunday we had tons of fun playing games ect. We managed to stay up till 3 am on Sunday playing games and laughing having a good time.

Here are a few pictures from our weekend with them!!

playing a little phase 10 on the deck Saturday night

one of my husbands "catches" of the day

Demi and Kinsley (my cousin) fishing

my mom loved loving on this little guy all weekend - made her itch to be a grandma even more ...
one day soon I hope mom!!

I loved cuddling and holding this little guy all weekend - he is such a good baby.

Well I have many more pictures but this is just a taste from our weekend. It was so fun I am looking forward to many more with them this summer!

On a different note let me just say there was a lot of yelling, cheering, clapping, whistling when Ed came back last night on the Bachalorette... Oh I was a happy girl!! I hope he wins thats all I can say... although I like Kipten and Reid too... we'll have to see though. As long as Wes is gone I'll be happy. Hope everyone is having a good week. Tomorrow here in Canada is a holiday, so its a nice little break in the week for me. Although typically we get a long weekend with our holiday this year it falls on a Wednesday - but Im not complaining, a day off work and to sleep in with my husband, who cares which day that falls on.


  1. Fishing looks fun! I hope you have a great day off!

  2. Glad to see an update. Loved the pics!! :)
