Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a weekend ....

I, yet again, am lacking in the blogging department and Im sorry about that. Everyday I am like "ok today I must update my blog" and that day comes and goes and I never get a minute to do so. So today I made myself sit down and take a few minutes to update. Let me tell you though I make sure I read all your blogs so I dont miss in any of the excitement and action going on in your lives - but its easy to read it from anywhere on my blackberry - just harder to update from there.

This past weekend my cousin and her husband and baby came up to my parents cottage with me and my husband. What a fun weekend we had!! The weather was amazing on Friday and Saturday - and even though it rained on Sunday we had tons of fun playing games ect. We managed to stay up till 3 am on Sunday playing games and laughing having a good time.

Here are a few pictures from our weekend with them!!

playing a little phase 10 on the deck Saturday night

one of my husbands "catches" of the day

Demi and Kinsley (my cousin) fishing

my mom loved loving on this little guy all weekend - made her itch to be a grandma even more ...
one day soon I hope mom!!

I loved cuddling and holding this little guy all weekend - he is such a good baby.

Well I have many more pictures but this is just a taste from our weekend. It was so fun I am looking forward to many more with them this summer!

On a different note let me just say there was a lot of yelling, cheering, clapping, whistling when Ed came back last night on the Bachalorette... Oh I was a happy girl!! I hope he wins thats all I can say... although I like Kipten and Reid too... we'll have to see though. As long as Wes is gone I'll be happy. Hope everyone is having a good week. Tomorrow here in Canada is a holiday, so its a nice little break in the week for me. Although typically we get a long weekend with our holiday this year it falls on a Wednesday - but Im not complaining, a day off work and to sleep in with my husband, who cares which day that falls on.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Picture Post..

I have read on a few other friends blogs that they are in a blogging "rut" too so I guess Im not alone. Maybe its the summer weather... who knows but for whatever reason Im finding it hard to blog. Maybe because things in our lives are kinda in the air right now and I am hoping after a meeting we are having tonight my husband and I will have some more direction. So with not really much to say I will share some pictures from my nieces ballet recital on Saturday and then because someone asked I will "gloat" and show off my beautiful bouquet of flowers that my husband sent me for my anniversary.

P.S. thanks to the sweet friends that wished us a happy anniversary - I felt so loved so thanks.

Well my sweet friends tomorrow is Friday!!! finally the weekend... maybe your week hasn't been as long as mine but it doesn't matter if you've had a great week or a crappy week EVERYONE LOVES THE WEEKEND!!!

P.S. I just have to ps again because I just wanted to mention to anyone who watches the bachelorette I was sooooo sad to see Ed leave... I know he had good reason and I totally wouldn't know what to do in his situation but I was rooting for him to win... now I have to go to my second choice... thats for another post though... oh reality tv!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

2 years ago today....

June 16, 2007

I was feeling probably the most excited, nervous, and beautiful I have ever felt in my life. The weather was much like we are having today - sunny and hot!! It was the perfect day - the day I had spent my life dreaming about and it was a dream come true because I married my prince charming. I can't believe its been two years but other times it seems like it was more than that. Happy Anniversary baby I love you so much and am so thankful God made you just the way he did cause your perfect for me. I have loved spending the last two years with you enjoying special memories sometimes sad, funny, exciting, stressful but all along we did it together and God has brought us closer. I can't wait to see what this next year will hold for us.

My family

My new family!!

Me and my "new" husband!!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABY I wish you were home and not working out of town this week so we could spend our special day together but we will celebrate later this weekend!!! P.S. I have to gloat that I just received the most beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to me at work from the sweetest man on earth - my husband is the best!!

*note* I know I have been blog slacking lately - I have been keeping up with reading all of your posts and I even got a sweet message from a blogger friend yesterday morning saying she was praying and thinking about me - that means so much. We need lots of prayer right now as we are making some big decisions which I cant talk about right now but I will blog about as soon as I can say.... mostly I have been slacking cause we have been really really busy... its hardly even into the summer and our schedules have gotten busier and busy is fun yes but leaves not alot of "down" time... so I have pictures to post from my nieces dance recital this past weekend but for today I want to just think about my husband and remember our special day 2 years ago.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Busy Week...

What a busy week I have had but it has been alot of fun but man oh man am I a tired girl today or what. We had a lovely weekend visiting and my ice cream dessert was a hit so I definitely will be making it again - now I can't wait to be invited over to someone house so I can make it again... Then on Monday my husband plays softball so he had an early game which was nice then we came home and my sister my mom and I all watched the Bachelorette - I just have to say I really liked Jillian last year on the Bachelor and I still think shes a very beautiful and sweet girl but so far some of her men choices as in who she keeps and who she lets go have made me very disappointed - like what is she thinking?? oh well - then my sister spent the night on Monday so that was fun. Then on Tuesday my grandma came over and my mom my sister, my grandma and myself headed to Toronto for the night for dinner and to see "The sound of Music" and let me tell you it was amazing. I now want my husband to take me again - I just love seeing shows partly because I used to do some (on a much smaller scale) and I just love all the singing and acting - it makes me miss it so much.

* I do have pictures of the evening and I will post them as soon as I can find my camera cord*

Then Wednesday was my sisters birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST SISTER EVER for real!! and hubs and I went out for what was suppose to just be "coffee" even though the girls drank tea with my cousin and her fiance... well he shut the coffee shop down at 11 - man how time flys when your enjoying yourselves... Now it's Thursday and I feel exhausted and can't believe Friday is tomorrow - I have to get laundry and packing done tonight as we head to the cottage tomorrow as my husband is in a fishing tournament again this weekend. Busy lives we are living these days but I wouldn't trade them for the world. We have some other exciting and nerve racking "Stuff" going on right now in our lives to - so we are just praying and really waiting quietly and patiently to see God's leading as to what we should do. I will post more on it all when I can talk about it for now I ask that you just pray!! And I know some of you will and I love you for that. I also want to give a shout out to my new followers - I love meeting new people and I get so excited to see new people finding my simply, boring, sometimes exciting events of my life... Well enjoy your Thursday whatever the day may bring for you - and if it happens to be a rough and not enjoyable day hold your head high because the weekend is right around the corner!!