This past weekend my cousin and her husband and baby came up to my parents cottage with me and my husband. What a fun weekend we had!! The weather was amazing on Friday and Saturday - and even though it rained on Sunday we had tons of fun playing games ect. We managed to stay up till 3 am on Sunday playing games and laughing having a good time.
Here are a few pictures from our weekend with them!!
playing a little phase 10 on the deck Saturday night
Demi and Kinsley (my cousin) fishing
my mom loved loving on this little guy all weekend - made her itch to be a grandma even more ...
one day soon I hope mom!!
I loved cuddling and holding this little guy all weekend - he is such a good baby.
Well I have many more pictures but this is just a taste from our weekend. It was so fun I am looking forward to many more with them this summer!
On a different note let me just say there was a lot of yelling, cheering, clapping, whistling when Ed came back last night on the Bachalorette... Oh I was a happy girl!! I hope he wins thats all I can say... although I like Kipten and Reid too... we'll have to see though. As long as Wes is gone I'll be happy. Hope everyone is having a good week. Tomorrow here in Canada is a holiday, so its a nice little break in the week for me. Although typically we get a long weekend with our holiday this year it falls on a Wednesday - but Im not complaining, a day off work and to sleep in with my husband, who cares which day that falls on.