Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday Already???

Well its hard to believe its Friday already - I didn't even get a short week like all my American friends did and yet this week still flew by! I don't have much to blog about - I have really be debating posting something on the whole Jon & Kate situation as I am an avid fan and love watching the show - so I have been "wrestling" with the idea of doing a posting about my thoughts on it but I have decided not to - not because I dont care or because I dont have an opioion or thoughts on the situation but simply because we don't really know the truth behind the whole situation so to make comments, accusation ect on something we dont know the truth about would be wrong. Also it really is none of my buisness - even though they have choosen to be a public figure by doing the show and have open themselves and their lives up for us all to watch their decisions and lives are theirs to live and they will be held accountable for their actions one day. I just have to leave it in God's hands and pray for both of them that they will fight for their marriage and for their family and for the children in all this I pray that they will feel loved and a sense of security even in all this crap for lack of a better word.

SO here are a few random thoughts/comment from this week and going into the weekend!
  • Watched the Bachlorette and Jon and Kate on Monday night - great tv night
  • Husband finally returns today for atleast the weekend
  • Going to try out a new ice cream cake recipe to take to dinner tomorrow night
  • Going to dinner at Kinsley and Demi's tomorrow night - going to have a fabulous night of visiting and loving on their baby boy
  • Had a great girlie time this morning visiting over tea
  • Anticipating great weather this weekend
  • Going out on a date night tonight with the hubs - dinner and a movie so looking foward to it
  • Have been majorly slacking this week in the blogging area- life is just too busy yet too boring all in one
  • So happy to see I have another new follower - shout out to you please leave me a comment so I know who you are
Well those are all random facts/comments and I apologize they are all over the place but just trying to get the brain to slow down so I can get all my thoughts out. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Are you doing anything exciting??


  1. You are too funny! Glad your week went by quickly! Even with it only being a 4 day week for us, it has seemed slow! No big plans for the weekend. It's supposed to be nice here so hopefully some outside w/ Brody! It's our Sunday to teach the 2 year old class at church so I'm sure the weekend will end with a big nap! Enjoy your weekend, friend!

  2. That was me, I just wasn't signed into my blogger acct!! Haha!

  3. Planning on watching movies, reading magazines, drinking smoothies, staying drugged up on pain pills and antibiotics, and being generally lazy! Had my wisdom teeth out today, so I have a good excuse. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. ice cream cake recipe, how was it? Was it good? If so I would love the recipe. I love making desserts and eating them too! As for the whole John and Kate situation I was they would just tell the truth and close the chapter. It was tough watching them on their show on Monday night. I felt sorry for the kids. Anyways... have a great date with your hubby!

  5. I saw that you commented on Jennifer's blog. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be praying for you. I think women always need other women praying for them, especially when they are trying to be parents. So yea, praying for ya!

  6. LOVE YOUR BLOG---I agree with Stafford Memories, how was that ice cream cake recipe??? Sounds yummy!! I am kinda sad about the whole Jon and Kate thing, I really loved that show and I hate to think they went and messed up a good thing...hmmm

    Well, stop by my blog anytime sweetie :)

