Monday, March 2, 2009

Another Monday...

Well its hard to believe its Monday again and not just Monday but Monday March 2. Its finally March and I love March because it not only is the month of which my husband was born but it means spring is coming and although the sun is shinning beautifully today it is deceiving because it is sooooo cold outside. This weekend was busy with taking my parents to the airport on Saturday as they have headed to Arizona for the month - definitely not feeling sorry for them this morning as my mom told me of their 90 degree weather they are "suffering" through but I am happy for them as they need the break and my moms health needs the warmth. I can't wait for my trip down there... just thinking of it gets me all excited.

Today is not just any ordinary Monday Blues - its a sad one for me because my husband left on business and will be gone for the week. I know many wife's have to deal with their husbands traveling alot but thankfully the Lord knows I hate being alone and therefor has not so far asked me to bear that burden - until this week. And although I think of my dear sweet friend who has lost her husband and I quickly smarten up and think I have nothing to be sad about - I atleast I know I will see him on Friday and she has to wake up everyday knowing she won't see him until she reaches heaven but for just one moment I allow myself to be sad because I do miss him and I know the bed will be soooo big tonight without him in it - now I am sure I will enjoy my sleep because he won't be hogging all the covers or the bed but it will be hard to fall asleep without him there. As much as I want to complain he is gone part of me is thankful that he has a job and I have him. God has given him to me on loan for how long I dont know but I choose to be thankful today that I can atleast talk to him on the phone and I have the choice to enjoy and make the best out of my week alone or I can choose to let it get the best of me and have a miserable week... so I am choosing the first and I will probably come Wednesday have to remind myself of my choice but I know I can do it if I start to fail I just look to the strength of my dear sweet friend and keep looking for the blessings in each day.

On a totally different note the Bachelor is on tonight and I am so tempted not to watch it because I don't really want to know who he chooses - I know that sounds silly but after last week and seeing Jillian there and may I add she was so polite to him and she really is a sweet girl who I hope finds the man of her dreams - I have read so many different reports as to how it will end tonight and who he will pick but I say if he has to pick from Molly or Melissa I definitely hope its Melissa because Molly just doesn't seem right for him or Ty at all. Whomever he chooses I hope he is happy. All that said who am I kidding I will definitely watch it even if I have to watch it alone :( because my curiosity will kill me otherwise, besides they say its the most dramatic ending ever and who doesn't love a little drama. So I hope others out there will watch it, I know they will, but let me know what you think of how it turns out.

Go enjoy your Monday evening because its the first Monday of March and it means we are only 4 sleeps away to the weekend!! :)

Have a great week hunny, I love you and miss you!

1 comment:

  1. i'm going out for a girls if you do decide to watch (which i think you will) msg me the details HAHA! apparently he proposes and then takes it back or something?

    ANYWHO! missing your hubby is totally ok although I agree that sometimes having the bed to yourself is loverly (as i'm experiencing HAHA).

    anyways......LOVE YA!

