Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

One day my husband will make a great father!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its only Tuesday...

I guess after being on a "high" from such a busy but fun weekend it feels like the week is dragging on - not to mention I am still exhausted from the weekend. I usually sleep in on the weekends but having two little super sweet boys who wake up early I choose to rise at 7:30 both Saturday and Sunday which my body isn't used to so I am still "catching" on my sleep. Today the weather is not very nice and its raining but I still choose to go for my jog/walk this morning but had to cut it short as my puppy was freezing cold due to the rain. I am hoping the weather clears up for the weekend as we are heading to the cottage because my husband is in a fishing tournament this weekend. Plus then I get to see the little boys again and hang out with my dear friend again so if the weather turns nice again it will be a fabulous weekend again. Tonight I am heading to my cousins to hang out with her and my other cousin (her sister) so it should be a good time for us and our spouses to hang out. What are you doing this fine Tuesday night? Are you watching American Idol??

Monday, April 27, 2009

Great friends, a fun weekend that ended so soon...

I can't believe its Monday again, where did the weekend go? Too fast is my answer... but it was such a fun weekend. Friday night Matt and Lindsay and the boys got here around 9 and the boys were sleepy so we thought they would go right to sleep but we were wrong - they got a second wind... but look at their faces!! they are sooo cute I love them to pieces.

On Saturday morning we got up and headed to the Toronto Zoo. They were calling for rain in the afternoon so we wanted to get there early that if it did rain we still got to see most of the Zoo. Well the sky was so blue and no cloud in sight, so we walked and looked at all kinds of cool animals. Us adults enjoyed it but it was so fun to watch the boys!! It was so hot though, it was nice but soo hot so we had to keep hydrated. We were home about 20 min when the strom hit - how cool is our God. He held the rain off till we got home!!

We forgot Ty's hat so he wore my hubby's all day - does he not look so cute here pointing at one of the animals. The boys were so good all day - and my husband and I had so much fun with them and their parents.

here you can see my hubby carrying Ty and Matt (the boys daddy) carrying Nate and my dear sweet friend Lindsay (their mommy) taking the picture from behind. I am so sad the weekend is over already but it was such a fun time. It was what I was needing to remind myself that even though geographically we aren't close friends we are in our hearts. I thank God for putting Matt and Lindsay in mine and my husbands lives because they are such great friends and so fun to be around. Don't you love how God puts people in your life like that - people that you can be yourself around and they still like you. People that you know will just always be your friends!! Its cool when you know you have people like that in your life and I don't think I can say I've really ever had friends like that before... so I guess even though this post is about our fun weekend its also an "ode" to friendship and how important it is in our lives.
I will leave you with one more photo from the weekend because lets face it these two little boys are two cute for words and yes I was like the paparazzi all weekend taking their photos. What did you do this weekend? did you have good weather?

Friday, April 24, 2009

They're coming TODAY!!!

Its Friday, finally and that means my friends and babies are coming today... oh how excited am I??? really excited!!! The weather today started off beautifully and now is really dark and about to rain but thats ok because no rain can take my excitement and happiness away today!! The house is clean or it was when I left for work this morning... the baking is done, beds are made, wash is done, now I just need my company!! I also am praying the weather holds up for tomorrow. All week they have been saying its going to be hot and sunny and now today they are calling for chance of rain. The zoo will be 100% better if we have cooperating weather - but I know even if the weather doens't do what I want it to do it will be a good weekend. God has a funny way sometimes of answering my prayers and I guess its His weekend after all so whatever happens happens for a reason. I had a weird dream last night - weird in the sense that it was one of those real life things where you wake up and think was that real??? I dreamt I had a baby, I was a mommy.... and I know some of you know understand why it was so painful and hard to "wake" up from it. It really just was a dream and oh how my heart broke all over again - then I find out a friend is pregnat with TWINS... she gets not one but two babies.... and my heart breaks again... I tell you my poor hear is being held together by super glue or something the amount of times its been broken over the past few months - but I am trying to put it all asside all my worries, my feelings, my emotions for the weekend and just focus on having FUN!! thats what weekend are for aren't they? thats what friends are for arent they? its funny I always think to myself I wish I had more friends because when I look at other people they are "busting at the seams" with friends its seems and yes by most peoples opionion I dont have alot of friends but then when I start thinking that way I remember the few friends I do have and man are they great friends... so I guess I wouldn't trade my couple good friends for lots of friends. So whatever your weekend holds enjoy it with the people that matter and HAVE FUN!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something to get excited about...

I just found out yesterday that our sweet and very dear friends Matt and Lindsay are coming to stay with us for the weekend with their twin boys... these little 18months old boys are so cute and keep you busy. They will be arriving tomorrow night for the weekend and on Saturday we are heading to the Toronto zoo which will be so fun to take the boys to and plus they are calling for great weather all weekend so this is just music to my ears. This is the news I've needed this week... now I'm just busy cleaning and baking... I love to entertain, although I don't get to do it alot, so I'm trying to be the best hostess I can. I will definitely take lots of pictures of the boys this weekend and enjoy being with my husband and our best friends. God is good - he sends the "ray of sunshine" just in the middle of our storms.

So any predictions as to who will win American Idol? All I can say is I am happy with who is left although Adam is talented I really don't want him to win - I just find him a bit odd and arrogant, but that's my opinion. So your thoughts? And what is your favorite thing about Spring?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where have I been...

Well for the few - but very dear and special - people that read my blog I am sure you have been disappointed in my lack of blogging and to those people I am sorry. I guess there is no real excuse as to where I have been other than to say I have been here but my mind/head has been else where. As you know from my last post I have been sick with a cold and that is the truth but oh how I wished it was more than a cold - maybe something along the lines of morning sickness or something associated with a baby but yet another month goes by and I'm not pregnant and my heart breaks all over again. I know in my heart when the time is right God will bless us with a baby but I also feel like now is the right time - but as God keeps reminding me my time is not His time besides His time is always perfect. In other news my husband and I have been living here in my home town of Cambridge for a year now we moved here last April when my husband was given a really good paying job in the city. So we made the big move - well big for my husband not so big for me - to the "city" as people from Hunstville call it. It was nice for me to be back in my home town, or atleast I thought it would be. I love being close to the mall and being able to run to Winners and Home Sense (which is like Ross, TJ Maxx in the states) any time I want but I quickly found out moving back home is lonely. Being gone for 5 years I have changed and my old friends have changed and quickly we (my husband and I ) became lonely for our friends back up in Huntsville (its about 3 hours north of my home town and it is where my husband is from). Moving here was also a big adjustment for my husband as he has never lived anywhere south of Huntsville (he is a northern boy at heart always lived in the north) He quickly enjoyed his job and especially the big pay checks and we both were excited as to where God was going to lead us from here or why he has placed us here.

Its been a few months now that both my husband and I have felt like our time here is over like there is more out there for us and that being here was for a season. I needed to get away from Huntsville for health reasons and I needed to be close to my parents and needed their support along with my husbands and my siblings to get well. And I did get well and I am trying to stay well - so I say all this to get to my point. My husband was offered last week a job back up north as an assistant golf pro at a really nice Golf Course up there - and we were so excited but we were slow to get our hopes up in case it fell through. Everything seemed to be working out - he would be making more money then his job here which would obviously be a plus, we found the perfect house for us and a great price and then Monday he got the call that they want him to start next year like the season of 2010!! so that was really disappointing to here and discouraging. So now where are kinda at the point of throwing our hands up and asking God "what next" what is His plan for us. Our friends we know are disappointed as we are too, we are so heart broken over not getting pregnant and we really thought this is what we where to do and maybe God still wants us back there but not doing that job I dont know. But I guess in a nut shell thats where I've been lately. With not alot to say but alot on my mind. Right now Im just doing alot of praying and that seems to be all I really can do because after all its His plan we just live it out.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am alive...

I am alive - but barely! well ok that is an overstatement but I have been awfully sick this week and I wish it was morning sickness or something like that but its not. No baby here yet and that just breaks my heart - I have caught this nasty cold/flu bug and its hanging on for dear life so that is why I haven't been blogging much lately not to mention there is alot going on in my head and its hard to get it out on here. I promise to write more when Im feeling better and when I can get things to make sense on here the way I want you to hear them. On a good note the weather is beautiful here today - Thank you Jesus you knew that is what I needed today. Spring may just be here....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I know two posts in one day...

I don't really have a great post to write but I have a couple things on the brain that I would like to say so I apologize in advance that its not all "put together" but here you have it.

1.) A dear dear friend of mine is being induced to have her baby boy tomorrow morning and so I would like to ask all of you to say a prayer for her - just for everything to go smoothly and for her to have the emotional and physical strength she will need. This girl is very special to me and maybe one day I will do a post on her and how she has challenged and help change my life in ways she probably doesn't even know. I know most of you that know I am struggling to get pregnant right now are wondering why I am so happy about my friend having this baby - the simple truth is a have such a joy for her and a peace from God about this. I know of many people whom have had babies recently and sure I'm happy for them but their happiness brings a sadness and pain for me but not with her. Without going into specifies I just want to say she "deserves" this baby - this little bit of new life, this hope and excitement. To my sweet friend I will be praying for you all day tomorrow. Sending you love and prayers right now.

2.) I am happy to say that the weather here today is sunny and the snow is finally melting. I know its sad to write about the weather that is usually something you talk about when its an awkward situation and your trying to "break the ice" so to say but I just had to say I'm happy about the change in the weather and I am hoping that it will stay like this for a nice sorta spring Easter weekend. Not to mention I almost killed myself trying to jog yesterday with my dog - icy sidewalks and jogging with a puppy who was very excited and tended to pull alot yesterday did not make for a very safe jog.

3.) I have not been feeling well for a while now struggling with headaches, sleeplessness, heart palpitations and some other symptoms. I know most of you are thinking so go to the doctor. But you see I have a fear of doctors not to mention I don't have a family doctor in town so I would have to drive 45 min to me old family doctor. I know excuses excuses but I'm so scared that he will say something serious is wrong with me so just pray for me that I feel better soon or that I get the courage to go to the doctor because as it was last night between my mother and my husband they are planning to set me an appointment without my permission so I will keep you posted.

4.) I currently have 8 followers and I am so excited about that and feel very hounoured that these 8 wonderful ladies are following my silly little blog. I find each one of you very unique and special in your own ways and I enjoy so much reading your blogs but I would love to have more followers. SO if your out there and you to find what I say interesting enough that you check back here often I encourage you to be one of my "followers" - that makes me sound like I'm important to have followers but I'm really not - I would love to have 10 followers by next Friday and although I have no idea how to get more followers - if you have suggestions let me know please but I will just put it out there and see. I know in my own life I have "found" random or what I thought were to be random blogs but I know see how God orchestrated for me to find these blogs to challenge me or just for my simple pleasure to read.

5.) I will be heading after work tomorrow night up with my husband to my parents cottage for Easter weekend and I am very excited about that. We will go to church Friday morning and have our big meal Friday evening. Then on Saturday my hunny and I will head to his parents for lunch and my parents are even joining us. I love that my parents and my inlaws get along so well. It makes the whole family bonds even stronger and family is so important to both my husband and I. Then on Sunday my husband and I will go to Sarnia to go to church with my sister and spend the day with her. So all in all it will be a busy weekend but a great one. Even if the weather doesn't hold up and the food sucks (which I know it won't) it will still be a great weekend as we celebrate the painful death but the glorious and triumphant Resurrection of our Savior. What a weekend we get to enjoy, embrace and thank Him for his sacrifice and his gift of hope. So I hope each one of you has a fabulous Easter whatever it may hold for you.

I was asked about my earlier post about "donkeys" in our lives - I will post about that tomorrow.Thanks to you who read this random post... Enjoy American Idol tonight - if you watch. I have my predictions of who will/should be kicked off but I've been wrong before - shocking I know- so we will see.

Wordless Wednesday...

Husband and I sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon. How truly BIG is our God!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Its begining to look alot like Christmas... in April!!

Yes this is what I woke up to this morning... to say the least I was not impressed especially after yesterday seemed like Spring was really here. Oh how God has a sense of humour sometimes I think. It just reconfirmed how much I wish I was still here...Its sad that I was laying there just one week ago - enjoying the heat and the beautiful blue sky's that they have every single day!! Oh how I am seriously considering jumping on my husbands "move to Arizona" bandwagon. But we'll see as much fun as it would be to move south it would be alot of work being Canadian and all. I had a good weekend even though Saturday was cold and rainy but its a nice day to relax and do some running around and I love cleaning my house when its a day like that because then I don't feel guilty for not being outside. Then we were blessed at church yesterday with a great sermon that really got me thinking about the whole idea of giving Jesus my "donkey". Now donkey of course is a symbol as we find in Matthew 21 where Jesus is about to ride into the city and he asks for his followers to go bring him a donkey. I will post more questions to think about later but it was a wonderful sermon and got me all the more excited for Easter - the time were we can celebrate our Saviours death and glorious Resurrection. The weather yesterday was also so wonderful I was about to spend some time outside and even got a wonderful long walk in - so long that I almost had to carry my puppy the rest of the way home he was so tired. I know I promised pictures so here are a few for our 10 days in Arizona. I love many of the states but I think this one so far has won me over - if you ever have the chance to vist you should especially the Grand Canyon.
Me and my husband at mom and dads new "winter" house - did I mention they now own 2 houses and a cottage... CRAZY!!

Me and my hunny at the Grand Canyon - its a bit cooler there because of the altitude.

My husband was giving many people including my mother a heart attack
- being a dare devil or just a boy

me and my husband before dinner one night... yes my husband is a geek ;)

So there you have it a bit of a look into our trip. I want to quickly give a shout out to my new follower. I was thinking yesterday how cool this whole blogging world is - how people I have never met actually find what I write interesting and they read what I write and how its so neat that most of these people if we lived in the same town I probably would be good friends with because we have alot in common. But then I was thinking how do I get more people to read me and follow me and low and behold I sign on today and a new follower I have - a blog I have never read but now after reading a bit about her I see we have alot in common to... The body of Christ is so cool because it makes you "brothers and sisters" and through this blogging world we can be friends to know another and be that encouragement and friendship that we all need.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Oh the joys of rainy days and weekends...

Well its Friday again and it seems like it took forever for the weekend to get here even though I've had a short work week, as we got back from vacation on Tuesday, but I am so glad its the weekend. The only thing that would make me even happier would be for this rain to go away and the sun to shine like it did/does in Arizona.... there is just something about waking up to sunshine everyday. It does your body and spirits good! I know I promised pictures and they are coming maybe this weekend I will get them up as I don't really have anything too exciting planned for the weekend. Catching up on some much needed sleep, relaxing - yes I know I just got back from Vacation but you know how sometimes you need a vacation after a vacation - and just doing some grocery shopping and spring organizing. I really do hope spring is hear although I have heard that horrible "S" (snow) word mentioned for the weather for cast next week. NO snow for Easter please, snow for Christmas yes but not for Easter! Well I hope whatever your weekend holds you have a great one and I hope somebody gets sunshine for the weekend - if it cant be me it might as well be you!!

On a TV note - I was sad to see ER end last night. Really makes me feel old as I remember when it first aired and how my family was avid watchers - now over the years I haven't been a faithful watcher as the "originals" have left but it was still sad to see it end last night. It was always one of those shows that was fun to catch up on and watch an episode here and there. I was kinda disappointed in the episode I thought it would be more "dramatic" I guess but it was cool how it ended the same way it began so many years ago. So farewell to a TV show that I think ran a good run it is still sad its over.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back in the cold north...

Well Im back and I feel like such a bad blogger for not posting even once while I was away but to be honest I was so busy and I know that is probably hard to believe as I was on vacation - but I definitely thought I would have time to blog but I didn't and I dont really feel all that bad for having a good time away with my parents and my husband but I kinda wish I had of had time to blog each day of all the exciting things we did. Right now my body is trying to adjust not only to being back in long pants, sweater and coat weather but to the 3 hour time change. I guess its a sign of getting old when you body can't just jump back from time changes easily. I dont know how my dear husband got up for work at 5:45 this morning when his body was telling him it was 2:45 am. We definately had the vacation of our lives and that sounds funny as we were in Arizona and we have done alot of world travelling from Carribean, to South America, Europe and Cruises but we both agree that was the best 10 days of our lives so much so my husband seriously wants to move there - but thats for a later post. I promise (and that is a seriouse thing to say when you promise something) to post more details later and pictures too. But I have made time to read all your posts on your blogs that I missed... so Im back - missing the sun that shone every single day - the hot weather, the shorts, sandles, the great food, amazing shopping and back to reality - rain, cold, work - you know .... LIFE!!!